Hamon Research-Cottrell is committed to developing fabric filter designs that provide optimal solutions for: Safety, Maintainability, Reliability, and Emissions performance. The HR-C Low Pressure High Volume Pulse Jet technology has several features which distinguish it from medium pressure pulse jet filters and offer advantages in terms of constructability, performance and ease of maintenance.

Since Dr. Frederick Cottrell’s invention over a century ago, electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) have been a primary technology for controlling particulate emissions. ESPs can be designed to meet stringent particulate emission standards with minimal pressure loss and high equipment reliability for extended plant operation.

Hamon Research-Cottrell / ExxonMobil wet gas scrubber (WGS) technology removes particulates and SO2 by intimate mixing with an aqueous scrubbing liquid. The technology allows refiners to reliably meet tough FCC emission regulations with well-proven technology.

Since Dr. Frederick Cottrell’s invention over a century ago, Wet Electrostatic Precipitator technology has become well-established in both industrial and utility applications around the world to remove sub-micron particulate, condensables and acid mist as a final polishing device in an air pollution control system where an upstream dry ESP, fabric filter or wet scrubber cannot capture the sub-micron particulate due to its small size.

Regenerative Activated Coke Technology – an advanced multipollutant technology that achieves simultaneous capture of SOx, NOx and mercury in one vessel. HR-C has received the contract for the first installation of ReACT™ in the United States which will reduce plant SO2 emissions by more than 90%, mercury by 90% or more, and provide additional cobenefit NOx reduction, while producing approximately 50 MTD of industrial grade sulfuric acid for the market.

Hamon Research-Cottrell provides process and equipment expertise, drawn from more than fifteen years of experience with the patented Urea to Ammonia U2A® technology, starting from bench and pilot scale, through systems for small gas turbine SCR and the largest utility scale SCR systems for coal and gas fired boilers.

Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction is a post-combustion technology that is designed to control nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from boilers by the injection of ammonia or urea reagents into the flue gas; offers lower capital equipment cost and is extremely versatile for medium levels of NOx control.