Modern Water is expert in the design, development and provision of analytical instruments and technologies for monitoring toxicity in water, soil, food and industry. Our systems use bioluminescent bacteria to perform biosensor testing that detects the presence of toxic substances.
Biosensor tests using bioluminescent bacteria have been in use for 30 years and their capability in detecting toxic substances is well understood. They use the principle that certain strains of bacteria emit light when healthy. When they are exposed to toxic substances, the amount of light emitted reduces. The greater the toxicity of the sample, the lower the light emitted. Measuring changes in light between healthy bacteria and bacteria exposed to toxic substances will therefore indicate the presence of a toxin in a water sample.
Our Microtox® M500 toxicity test system is the industry standard for laboratory-based rapid toxicity screening and analysis. DeltaTox® II is the portable, acute toxicity analyzer used with the Microtox® technology. Modern Water’s new Microtox® CTM is a site-based, broad range Continuous Toxicity Monitor (CTM).
Our range of toxicity testing technologies is both industry-leading and ground-breaking. For a full list of scientific papers written about our Microtox® technology visit the white papers section of our website.
Applications include:
- Petro) Drilling mud
- Contaminated soil
- Drinking water monitoring
- Ecotoxicology
- Hazardous waste
- Industrial effluent
- Industrial process water
- Marine water
- Medical/Pharmaceutical products
- Mining wastes, soil and water
- Municipal effluent
- Personal care/Household
- Chemicals
- Recreational water
- Sediments
- Solid phase materials
- Storm water
- Deliberate and accidental contamination events
- Potable water at point of use or in the distribution network
- Monitoring of rivers, lake, reservoirs, seawater, groundwater/natural attenuation
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