The premier data acquisition and handling system for air emissions compliance. Our proven web-based platform has been meeting and exceeding regulatory compliance needs since 2003. The enhanced web interface found in the NetDAHS Edge software incorporates the innovative technology and tools necessary to monitor your air emissions data anytime, anywhere.
Leading Technology
The ever-changing compliance needs of today’s environmental professionals require higher levels of automation and data accessibility. To respond to market demands, we designed the NetDAHS Edge software, a proactive and centralized control hub for air emissions compliance reporting. The software incorporates web-based push technology to allow accurate, live data from across your fleet to be shared among multiple users. The freedom of being able to access the DAHS from anywhere can allow an instruments and control technician to manage several tasks from a centralized location or the mobility to move on to the next the next location while one task finishes.
Software Evolution
CEMTEK KVB-Enertec is the exclusive provider of NetDAHS Edge software – the premier data acquisition and handling system for air emissions compliance and process improvement. Our proven web-based platform has been meeting and exceeding regulatory compliance needs since 2003 and continues to be an industry leader with the first successful emissions EDR submitted under the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards rule (MATS) in 2016. The enhanced web interface found in the NetDAHS Edge software incorporates the innovative technology and tools necessary to monitor your air emissions data anytime, anywhere.
Streamlined Compliance
A scalable platform that can be configured to handle 40 CFR 60/63/75 requirements along with state, local, or consent decree reporting obligations. A “One-Step EDR” button streamlines the quarterly reporting gauntlet by automating the checks on the hourly averages, data substitution routines and ultimately the creation of the electronic data report (EDR)
EDGE Trace
NetDAHS Edge includes an all-new feature set called EdgeTrace. Now when you want to understand more information about a widget displayed on a WorkSlate, you just hover over the widget name to display helpful information about the widget. This information can show the source of the data including any equations that combine information from other widgets.
EdgeTrace expands to provide more information about your alarms and episodes and can be configured to provide permit citations direct from your air permit for any episodes on your system. Once configured, all EdgeTrace text is fully customizable by the end user.