Order ST

How to order of ST series
How to order of ST series
number 1 Tape width and shape 1 Standard type : Sharp
2 Standard type : Flat
3 Narrow type : Sharp
4 Narrow type : Flat
number 2 Coating type and
temperature range
1 Low temperature : Teflon coating (open)
2 Low temperature : All teflon coating
3 High temperature : Polyimide coating (open)
4 High temperature : All polyimide coating
350°C if the tape length exceeds 150mm.
number 3 Thermocouple K Chromel-Alumel
E Chromel-Constantan
number 4 Tape length 003 30mm
005 50mm
008 80mm
010 100mm
200 2000mm
number 5 Cable type
see cable page
TS For ST- *1, ST- *2
GW For ST- *3, ST- *4
0 Without cable
number 6 Cable length 1 1000mm
1.5 1500mm
2 2000mm
No cable if the cable type is “0.”
number 7 Plug
see plug page
number 1Tape width and shape

You can choose junction from as below.

Tape width : Standard type
Sharp or Flat.
Tape width : Narrow type
Sharp or Flat.
number 2Coating type

You can choose coating type as below.

Low temperature : Teflon coating (Open)
ST-*1 Temp.range : -50 to 210°C
Coating Type and operating temperature range
Low temperature : All teflon coating
ST-*2 Temp.range : -50 to 210°C
Coating Type and operating temperature range
High temperature : Polyimide coating (Open)
ST-*3 Temp.range : -50 to 400°C
Max. temperature of 350℃ when the tape length exceeds 150mm
Coating Type and operating temperature range
High temperature : All polyimide coating
ST-*4 Temp.range : -50 to 400°C
Max. temperature of 350℃ when the tape length exceeds 150mm
Coating Type and operating temperature range
number 4Tape length
You can choose tape length as below.
003 : 30mm 030 : 300mm 080 : 800mm
005 : 50mm 035 : 350mm 090 : 900mm
008 : 80mm 040 : 400mm 100 : 1000mm
010 : 100mm 045 : 450mm 150 : 1500mm
015 : 150mm 050 : 500mm 200 : 2000mm
020 : 200mm 060 : 600mm
025 : 250mm 070 : 700mm
Tolerance Open : ±2.5°C (at 100°C)
All coating : ±2.5°C (at 100°C)
Response time Open : 2.0 s
All coating : 8.0 s
Durability rank S
Where the probes are not glued or inserted, the operating temperature limits as follows:
ST-*1 ST-*2 ST-*3 ST-*4
Tape ≦ 150mm 200°C 180°C 200°C 200°C
Tape > 150mm 200°C 180°C 180°C 180°C
* : Number
■ : Thermocouple type K or E
t : Measured temperature
ST-*1■ / ST-*2■
Temperature range Tolerance (Internal)
-50°C ≦ t < -40°C ±3.5°C
-40°C ≦ t ≦ 210°C ±2.5°C
ST-*3■ (Tape length ≦ 150mm)
ST-*4■ (Tape length ≦ 150mm)
Temperature range Tolerance (Internal)
-50°C ≦ t < -40°C ±3.5°C
-40°C ≦ t < 333°C ±2.5°C
333°C ≦ t ≦ 400°C ±(0.0075╳|t|)°C
ST-*3■ (Tape length > 150mm)
ST-*4■ (Tape length > 150mm)
Temperature range Tolerance (Internal)
-50°C ≦ t < -40°C ±3.5°C
-40°C ≦ t < 333°C ±2.5°C
333°C ≦ t ≦ 350°C ±(0.0075╳|t|)°C


