Modern Water is expert in the design, development and provision of analytical instruments for monitoring trace/ heavy metals in water, soil, food and industrial process streams.
Our systems use solid state electrodes to perform voltammetry for the analysis of metals in solution.
Our trace/ heavy metal product range includes the portable PDV6000ultra and the two on-line, continuous systems: the OVA5000 and OVA7000. Our technology is robust and reliable, can be operated by technicians anywhere in the world and is relatively low maintenance. The portable, laboratory and online systems have a worldwide reputation for quality, reliability and ease of use, enabling customers to monitor pollutant levels, optimize their processes, minimize damage to the environment and protect the health of employees and communities at large.
Applications include:
- Academic research
- Monitoring at remote locations
- Contaminated land remediation
- Food and feed analysis
- Tracing contamination back to source
- Accidental contamination events
- Monitoring of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, seawater
- Industrial effluent monitoring
- Groundwater monitoring/natural attenuation
- Wastewater recycling and WWTP influent monitoring
- Drinking water intake and distribution